Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Business Website - 10 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have One By Matthew Shofoluwe

Business, like any organism, has to adapt to it's environment. While the underlying principles for conducting businesses may remain unchanged, some areas are almost always in need of new and better ways of doing the same things. An example of such area is in communication. These includes presentations. Business has to promote itself. Passers by become visitors, who may become customers. A unique tool of these promotions is the internet, and the website in general. Even then, why is this tool so very essential:

A. Online Shopping is rising in popularity.
Various statistics would show that many, many more now have access to personal computers and the internet. It is not unusual that people check on the internet, if only for price comparison purposes, before buying an item. Business cannot afford to miss out on this rise in trend.

B. Make Sales of Goods And Services online
With proper business presentations, goods and services can, and are bought and sold daily. These can greatly increase sales.

C. Low, Low Cost
The cost of setting up a commercial website is very low, when the potential rewards are considered. These days, website templates are so readily available.

D. Branding
In business, there is no substitute for branding. The public needs to know what is unique about your presence. A commercial website can establish your presence at a fraction of the cost and much less time than it would take without such a website.

E. Information about your business
Here the commercial website is in it's natural elements. The internet is described as the information super-highway, and you have a chance to provide information in a style and manner that is particularly suited to your business.

F. Reach The World
Websites are global. If hosted and promoted properly, a commercial website can reach the world in record time. Pay Per Click campaign comes to mind here. People can search and access the website 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week, all year round. The exposure truly boggles the mind.

G. Human Relations
People have access to websites 24 hours of the day. The information you want to present is on display. For more information, contact can be made. If you have set time for answering e-mails, say an hour each day, you might respond to 10, 15 or even 20 e-mails in that time, depending on the required response. It may not be possible to attend to such numbers, in that time, in real life.

H. Convenience For Customers
Visitors and the business customers can view your site as often as they want. Once the website presentation is laid out, there is no pressure from you which might be seen as coercion.

I The Competition
Sound business ideas have a habit of not lying idle. The competition will seize on it with both hands. It is also noticeable that even large businesses have e-commerce section. It may be only a percentage of their overall operations, but there must be sound business reasons why they are there.

J. Interactivity
Websites allow interactivity with visitors or customers in a way that may usually not be possible. This is not the same as traditional human relations. This can be spontaneous. It has far, far reaches. It builds relationships as well as business contacts. It is sometimes referred to as Web 2.0.


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