To benefit many more done by empowering the income and expenses. Because the formula is the income benefits reduced cost. The first step is done with income menggenjot do with aggressive marketing. Revenue is the multiplication of the price with the volume of sales. Various marketing strategies used to increase the volume of sales, from the cost leadership strategy in a holistic strategy to differentiation. Not enough with that strategy, plus more focus, focus on the leadership of both costs and focus extensively on differentiation. Cost leadership strategy in a holistic weight advantages compared to competitors and price differentiation strategies on the benefits of the product, personnel, services, channels and the image compared to competitors.Meanwhile, to reduce costs by making efficiency soundly in all lines. Sometimes even lines on the development of human resources, facilities such as education, training, health benefits and trimmed out. But thus trimming the cost of the development of human resources that the company is dropping, because the effect on the company’s overall revenue. This caused the fall of the business to employees.There are other ways to increase profits, which folded as the Ali bin Abi Talib. “O noble woman, whether you have something that can be eaten by your husband?” Question Ali to his wife, Fatimah . “By Allah I do not have something a bit, however, this money Dirham 6 from the results of wage twist hair. Money will I buy food for Hasan and Husayn “Fatimah responsibility. “O noble woman who, given money to me is Dirham 6″ said Ali. Fatima give Dirham 6 money to Ali bin Abi Talib. After the money is received, Ali outside the house with the intention to buy food for both his sons. Suddenly in the middle of the road he met a man that said “Who would lend to Allah, The Controlling Dzat and surely Allah will fulfill his promise.” Ali eventually approach the person with the money Dirham 6 under a bit of home to buy food for their children. After the money was given Ali, he went home.When Fatima knows her husband to return home without bringing any food, he continued to cry. See his wife crying, Ali directly asked “O noble woman, what you crying?”. “O son of Messenger of Allah uncle, I see you bring home with no food” Fatimah responsibility. “O noble woman, I have Dirham 6 currency debt was to God” said Ali. “If you do, that I agree” said Fatimah.Then Ali bin Abi Talib out trying to place the Messenger of Allah, suddenly in the middle of the road he met a Bedouin who are guided camel. Ali then approached the Bedouin, the Bedouin said “Hasan’s Father, buy this camel.” “I do not have the money to buy your camel and fully that you” said Ali. Bedouin: “I sell a camel is paid by then.” Ali: “If so, how much of this camel you selling?”. Bedouin: “I sell it with the price of Dirham 100.” Ali: “OK, I bought this camel, but only after the payment later if I get the money.”After the Ali bin Abi Talib lead a camel the new purchasing. But not so much by Ali to face a Bedouin others, who asked him “Hasan’s Father, whether you want to sell your camel?”. Ali: “True, I want to sell this camel.” Bedouin: “How much does it cost?”. Ali: “The price of camel is Dirham300.” Bedouin: “OK, I buy your camel with the price.”After the Bedouin to approve the price, he immediately pay Dirham 300 in cash to Ali. After receiving the payment, Ali control of the she-camel to the Bedouin was. Then he returned to his home. Fatimah know when her husband came, he with the smile of love saying, as practices that do every time he welcomed the advent of her husband. Fatimah then asked him “Father of Hasan, what you take today?”. “O daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, I have to buy an animal with a camel with the payment later, Dirham 100. Then I sell the camel with the price of Dirham 300 in cash “replied Ali. “I agree only on what you do, provided that bring death and improvement” said Fatimah.After chatting with Fatimah is enough, he went out again to the right Messenger. At the time he entered the door of the mosque Prophet with a smile and see when Ali is near, he said, “Father Moore, whether you talked to me that, or I give the news to you?”. “You just give the news to me,” replied Ali. The Messenger of Allah said, “Father Moore, whether you already understand, is actually a Bedouin camel to sell it, and both the Bedouin who buy?”. Ali: “Allah and His Messenger know better.” Messenger: “Lucky once you are lucky … … … … … …. Lucky … … … O Ali, you have trust with 6 Dirham God, Allah give you Dirham 300 as a substitute for every Dirham get Dirham 50. The Bedouin are the first Gabriel, while the second is Israfil. ” According to the history of other states that the first person to sell the camel is Gabriel, while the second is Michael.
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